The Network Specialiasts


IT Networks, Wi-FI, WAN, IP-VPNs

eSTREAMS provides a variety of IT support solutions depending on your organisations requirements, they include:

Full IT Support
Ideal for businesses who have no in-house IT support, we provide 1st,2nd and 3rd line IT support.

Shared IT Support
Ideal for businesses who do have in-house IT support, but require additional or higher level of expertise.

Adhoc IT Support
Designed around the businesses that require support but on an adhoc basis.


Do you have IT issues and don’t have any IT support agreement with us ?

No problem. We offer a quick response for all new clients. Call 051-844133  for any immediate IT issues. We offer a 1 hour remote response to any workstation, server or network that is currently experiencing problems.

For further information on any of the above services please call  us The Network Specialists  on 052-844133